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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  September 17, 2010 2:35am-4:00am EDT

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semi-automatic handgun from his waist and fired a single gunshot that struck the doctor. >> i guess -- i guess he thought that she was suffering a lot, that she wasn't going to be able to walk again. >> reporter: outside, police controlled the streets. inside, s.w.a.t. teams sealed off the floor. but doctors kept on working, including the team that was saving dr. cohen's life. hospital violence is a growing threat. since 1995 there have been 256 reports of violent crimes in medical centers, a number that's risen over the past three years. the incident closely parallels an episode of the show "grey's anatomy." a gunman upset with a relative's condition begins firing inside the hospital. that sets off a siege that ends in suicide. when that episode was rebroadcast just hours after the shooting here, it contained a new warning for viewers. vinita and rob? a stunning admission in the case of a washington state woman who claimed someone threw acid on her face. bethany storro now says she fabricated the entire story.
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during questioning police say storro admitted her burn injuries were self-inflicted. there is speculation she might be mentally ill. prosecutors must decide if storro should face criminal charges. the census bureau says the nation's poverty rate climbed more than 14% last year. that's about 43.5 million people, or about 1 in 7 americans. the report also finds that the share of americans without health coverage rose sharply to nearly 51 million people. connecticut has a tradition of being a reliably democratic state, but maybe not this year. voter discontent was on display outside a fund-raiser that president obama attended for the democratic candidate in connecticut's senate race. the president helped raise over $1 million. there's quite a bit of international back and forth over a new book about france's first lady carla bruni. in it bruni quotes michelle obama as saying that living in the white house is "hell." a spokesman for mrs. obama denied that the first lady ever made those comments, though, and the french embassy in washington
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says france's first lady is distancing herself from the book as well. pope benedict is making history in great britain. during the first state visit there by any pope. >> but he's forced to address the sex abuse scandal and the roman catholic church. abc's lama hasan is live in london with today's agenda. good morning, lama. >> good morning to you both. well, it's another busy day for the pope. he'll be attending a private mass this morning in london, and later today he'll meet with catholic schoolkids. so far, judging by the welcome he got yesterday and the papers this morning, "the daily mirror," for example, has "pope idol" on the front, all in all the pope's first full day here went well, better than expected. after months of planning and preparation, costing an estimated $20 million, it was a royal welcome fit for a head of state. after a short speech by the queen -- >> your holiness, your presence here today reminds us of our common christian heritage and of the christian contribution to
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the encouragement of world peace and to the economic and social development of the less prosperous countries of the world. >> reporter: the leader of the catholic church made this poignant message. >> let us never forget how the exclusion of god, religion, and virtue from public life leads ultimately to a truncated vision of man and of society. >> reporter: with thousands of well wishers waiting to catch a glimpse of pope benedict xvi the pope joined a parade on saint minian's day. but behind the pomp and pageant raye lurks controversy. the abuse by priests. the pope admitted the catholic church hasn't reacted decisively or quickly enough to take decisive actions. he says the church's top priority now is to help the victims heal. and the pope will get a chance to meet with around ten victims of sexual abuse here in england, most likely on saturday. rob?
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vinita? >> thanks to lama hasan live in london. well, for one scottish catholic the pope's visit was a dream come true. susan boyle said she has always wanted to sing for the pontiff, and yesterday she did just that. >> boyle performed three songs as part of the pope's outdoor mass. let's listen in. ♪ that i may never see ♪ so much to be consoled as to console ♪ ♪ most people like to hear they've done a great job caring for their teeth. that's why there's a rinse like crest pro health complete with fluoride. it helps you get a better dental check-up. crest complete rinse makes the difference because it provides all these benefits. giving you a clean, healthy mouth. a more complete way to a better dental check-up. new crest pro health complete rinse.
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you'll get this free information kit... as with all medicare supplement plans, you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts # medicare, call this toll-free number now. and wear hats. i was always the hat guy. i can't even tell inu how much it's changed my life. [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. no more hats. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining. and welcome back, everybody. president obama's stimulus program was initiated to create and save millions of jobs. $818 billion later republicans say the program was a failure. >> the white house has decided
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to fire back and will release a report today showing how the stimulus is working. jonathan karl reports. >> reporter: the report highlights projects like this one in south plainfield, new jersey, where a toxic area contaminated by an old electronics plant is being transformed into a new industrial park, thanks to 30 million stimulus dollars. the project has already created 68 jobs and is designed to be an economic boon to the south plainfield area once it's completed next year. the white house is also touting the $175 million in stimulus funds being spent here at new york's staten island ferry terminal, replacing nine bridges like this one that are in a dangerous state of disrepair. >> reporter: there are now 120 workers on the job here rebuilding a transportation hub that services 65,000 commuters every day. the white house report is a direct response to senators john mccain and tom coburn, who have issued three separate reports on what they call the top 100 wasteful stimulus projects.
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those reports highlighted things like the $3.4 million spent on the so-called turtle tunnel, allowing animals to go from one side of florida's route 27 to the other. here's what mccain told us about his last report. >> i think all of them are a waste. i think none of them really have any meaningful impact on creating jobs. >> republicans have often criticized the recovery act without recognizing projects specifically like the ones in this report. >> reporter: projects like $51 million for a new facility for injured veterans at ft. bliss, texas. 230 jobs created. $25 million in tax credits for ge to build a new plant for energy-efficient appliances in louisville, kentucky. ge is investing $600 million of its own money, bringing production now done in china back to the u.s. the white house report lists the total cost for each project and the number of jobs created. doing a little math, it comes to about $250,000 per job. the white house says, however, that's a misleading number
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because each of these projects will have ripple effects that will produce many more jobs in the future. jonathan karl, abc news, new york. >> so now you have these dueling reports out there. republicans' main argument seems to be, well, if the nation's unemployment rate is still at 10% what has this really done? that seems to be the main point. the white house has to kind of fight back against. >> it's interesting, though, because as is the nature of almost any amount of money you only hear about the negative things like the turtle tunnel, you don't hear more about things like the money for researching a cure for cancer. $153 million went there. basically, they're trying to characterize the genetic and genomic changes that occur in human adult cancers. m all have to just hope there those jobs with more jobs. >> as always, both sides will play with th
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the new movie "never let me go" is a tale of growing up in a world where people live to be more than 100 years old. >> peter travers, "rolling stone" movie critic and host of abc news now's "popcorn" spoke with two of the film's stars right now. >> carey mulligan, andrew garfield, welcome to "popcorn." it's great to have you here. i want to start this thing off by having you describe who you're playing.
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this is a movie that's filled with mystery. it's like we're not supposed to talk about it because audiences go and get this shock and find it out. >> i play a character called tommy. >> that explains everything. >> cool. >> whenever we do things now when people ask questions that are addressed to both of us -- >> i have to be the man in the relationship. so yes, that's my answer. i play a character called tommy. i think he's very sensitive. i think he's kind of animalistic and he's more kind of animal than human in a lot of ways. he's very intuitive. he maybe doesn't have the same intellectual, analytical capacity that the -- maybe carey's character has, but he has a whole different skill set, i feel. it was a kind of joyous thing to play him. >> so carey, i have to hear when you really think about the part. you can't just let andrew dot whole thing. who are you playing? >> kathy is the narrator of the novel. and so she narrates the story as well in the film. and we're part of a trio of
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friends who grow up together, and kathy's probably the most introverted of the three. >> i like when you say we're part of a trio because there's only two of you here. so keira knightley can have a spot here, an imaginary spot. >> it's keira and me and andrew, and we play a trio of friends. and kathy's sort of -- well, she's sort of the one on the outside a little bit more. she's not very good at saying what she wants. nor does she want to sort of create any discomfort. so she acquiesces a lot and she defers to everybody else's emotions and she tries to look after people. >> what scene in "never let me go" for each of you can you look at you and say that was okay? >> i'm going to answer it because i haven't seen it. so -- >> he can say -- >> there's never a false note in anything andrew does. but in this -- >> come on. >> no. you're not ever crap. you're never not truthful. >> okay. i'm not fishing. thank you.
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>> no, but i'm just telling you. >> that's very sweet. i feel the same way about you. >> it's in the trailer. but the scene where he gets out of the car and screams, which we actually did seven or eight takes of, which is crazy. i mean, i've had friends who just watch the trailer now and start weeping at that point because of the noise and what he's doing. and everything about it is just heartbreaking. >> all right. >> i can talk about carey a bit now because i can embarrass her. >> you can. >> like every time -- >> you haven't seen it. >> no, but i watched what you were doing when we were shooting because i was, you know, talking to you. >> we were in the -- >> during the scene. that's what happens. you sometimes look at them. every moment before we started a scene we'd kind of look at each other and i could see immediately that she was in the exact right place for that specific scene. and it brought me into the moment in the most kind of intensely exhilarating way. and then from then on the scene just went wherever it went, and
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that was, you know, a rare thing. and it was just -- those few moments before cameras rolling where we just looked at each other and i -- i was with her, and i was like oh, this is very exciting. >> which brings us to the end of every show, where i request this one thing of my guests. but it's all about song. it's all about expressing whatever you're feeling for a little bit in a snatch, a little bit. but i'm not going to take no for an answer. ♪ you don't have to call and confess ♪ ♪ we looking for you ♪ we gonna find you ♪ we gonna find you ♪ you can run and tell that ♪ run and tell that ♪ run and tell that ♪ homeboy ♪ home, home, home, homeboy ♪ we looking for you ♪ we gonna find you ♪ we gonna find you ♪ so you can run and tell that ♪ run and tell that ♪ run and tell that homeboy ♪ home, home, homeboy >> memorized that. >> the kid's got some soul. i forgot about that youtube click. that movie is pretty interesting.
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it's based on the movie -- the book i should say "remains of the day." >> if you think they look familiar she's in the new "wall street" and he's in the new "facebook" movie. as far as how the movie's doing, rotten tomatoes had 22 reviews. 52% liked it. >> apparently someone can let you go. we do have a reason to celebrate next. so don't go away. independence over limitations. they chose mobility. they chosehe scooter store. and this is the team of mobility experts who made it all happen. ii great news, you've been approved for payment. dr. cruz, i'm calling on behalf ofmarie stanford. and they can make it happen for you. hi, i'm doug harrison, if you're living with limited mobility, call the scooter store today. i promise, no other company will work harder to make you mobile or do more to ensure your total satisfaction. i expected they'd help me file some paperwork with medicare and my insurance. i never expected them to be so nice or work so
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>> announcer: "world news now" delivers your "morning papers." folks, you're going to have to kind of pardon us a little bit we're going to deviate from the normal routine during "morning papers." we actually have something very cool and momentous to celebrate. september 17th, 2008, two years ago on this very day vinita nair joined us here on "world news now." things have not been the same since. >> yay. >> two years. >> two years that have felt like 47. >> before we get to the cake, jim -- before we get to that -- thank you. >> i'll just eat this while you guys are doing --
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>> do you remember your first day, though? >> i don't want to see this. >> let's roll it right there. >> vinita nair is making news today. can you believe this? not only is she in the "world news now" gazette, as you can see right there. >> oh. >> it's official. vinita nair is now the co-anchor of this fine show. >> oh. thank you, guys. >> it's official. the press release went out today. >> back in the day, two years ago, you and jeremy sitting there on your first day on the air. not first day on the air but first day as the permanent co-host of the show. here you are two years later. big cake. loved. congratulations. balloons, everything. but the fun does not end there, though, because it's time for a special -- you remember this one. ♪ something old and something new ♪ ♪ blushing bride, hey that's you ♪ ♪ that's the wedding polka ♪ you've got heart and brains because ♪ ♪ you're marrying a wonderful wizard named oz ♪
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♪ that's the wedding polka ♪ when the guests are throwing rice at you and your new mate ♪ ♪ save it all so jeremy can eat it and gain weight ♪ ♪ you look fine i'll make that clear ♪ ♪ he turns sideways and disappears ♪ ♪ that's the wedding polka ♪ everyone, come on ♪ ♪ that's the wedding polka ♪ willis, i want to hear it ♪ you don't know it after all these years? let's hear it. ♪ that's the wedding polka ♪ marriage is a three-ring circus ♪ ♪ that's a well-known thing ♪ first engagement and then wedding, then the suffering ♪ ♪ with your schedule you work late ♪ ♪ when did you find time to date ♪ ♪ that's the wedding polka ♪ and when the wedding's over all the noise and all the hype ♪ ♪ we'll settle back and we'll all watch your honeymoon on skype ♪ ♪ you're our late-night anchor
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queen ♪ ♪ hurry back by halloween 0 for the world news polka ♪
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poverty problem. the number of poor americans skyrockets. >> it's frustrating. it's heartbreaking. >> the recession hits home. then, presidential protests. the angry side of a democratic campaign visit. and insomniac kitchen. middle of the night snacks made by creative chefs. it's friday september 17th. see, friday's a perfect show to start a new segment. in the kitchen. >> oh, yes. that's right.
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i was like what is it? i'm excited too. that's right. we are starting a new segment. it's called "insomniac kitchen." and the basic premise is we're up in the milled of the night, chefs are up in the middle of the night, what do they eat at 2:00 a.m.? so stick around and see that. >> we'll be eating well today. yes. >> good morning. sorry i'm so slow this morning. i'm vinita nair. >> and i'm rob nelson. good morgan again, everybody. president obama says last year was tough for a lot of working families. and new census figures confirm the grim details. >> 44 million americans are now living in poverty. an astounding 4 million joined the list just last year. t.j. winick joins us with all of the details. good morning, t.j. >> reporter: rob and vinita, good morning. it is official. the ranks of the working-age poor in this country are now at the highest level since the 1960s. 2009 was a historically bad year for the american worker. marla letterly is one of 4.3 million americans who has been
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in danger of losing their home. >> it's frustrating. it's heartbreaking. >> reporter: a u.s. census report on the economic well-being of american families brought that frustration and heartache into greater focus. >> the poverty rate for the nation went up to 14.3%. representing 43.6 million people, which is the largest number of people in poverty in the 51 years that we've been collecting the information. >> reporter: in fact, 1 in 7 americans are now living in poverty as the recession forced millions out of work. especially troubling, the number of children living in poverty. >> the highest poverty rates by far are among kids who live in single -- in female-headed families. but now we have way more mothers at work than in the past. even though their unemployment rate went up and we have some fewer than we did last year. >> reporter: one thing that prevented these numbers from being worse, the social programs delivered from washington. >> the unemployment insurance expansion between 2008 and 2009 lifted 3.3 million people out of poverty.
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>> reporter: thursday the senate finally passed a bill to try and boost job growth. by providing small businesses with a $30 billion lending fund and around $12 billion in tax relief. >> an important part of our recovery will be when small businesses start to innovate and hire people again. whether these tax credits will actually work is another issue. >> reporter: the median income for american households remained flat again this year as middle-class families continue to feel the squeeze. rob and vinita? a world famous medical center is reviewing security procedures after a siege by a lone gunman. police say paul pardus shot a doctor who had been treating his mother at johns hopkins medical center in baltimore. he then barricaded himself inside her room for three hours before s.w.a.t. teams finally moved in. they found the gunman and his mother dead. >> he became emotionally distraught and was overwhelmed by the news of his mother's condition. >> they can't even go in and get treated like they're supposed
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to. totally sad. >> the doctor, identified by colleagues as orthopedic surgeon david cohen, had emergency surgery. he is expected to survive. a string of embarrassing recalls seems to have claimed a victim inside drugmaker johnson & johnson. colleen goggins announced her retirement late last night. she'll leave the company in march after nearly 30 years. goggins is the head of the division that makes tylenol and other non-prescription medicines. those products have been involved in a long list of recent recalls. president obama raised more than $1 million for democrats during a campaign swing in connecticut. >> but there were plenty of protesters outside the president's appearance with connecticut's democratic senate nominee. they were expressing anger not nd issues.xpressing anger not >> stev portnoy joi us with ls o hat wen on insi >>er: and vinita, times. tolue of connecticut
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frwha was once a safe democratic seat. >> this decision in this election should be a no-brainer. >> reporter: perhaps not. the democratic candidate, long-time state attorney general dick blumenthal, is vulnerable, with news reports earlier this year uncovering misstatements and distortions about his military service during the vietnam war. blumenthal's adversary in the race is former professional wrestling executive linda mcmahon. she vowed to spend $50 million of her own money to win. >> my opponent may have more money, but i've got 20 years' worth of friends. >> reporter: but these days having long-time friends in government is seen more as a handicap than an asset, with an anti-washington, anti-incumbent wave rolling across the country, high unemployment, and a sputtering economic recovery don't work well for the party in power, the democrats. >> we are facing challenges we haven't seen since the great depression. >> reporter: and on the stump the president often makes clear voters shouldn't hand the
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republicans the keys to running congress. >> have you ever noticed, by the way, that if you want to go forward in a car you put your car in d? and if you want to go backwards, you put it in r? >> reporter: to keep democrats driving forward the president will keep hitting the road this fall, stumping for democrats in several states between now and november. rob, vinita? there's been a major step forward in sealing off the gulf oil well that caused that huge environmental disaster in the gulf back in april. a relief well has now intersected with the blown-out well. the next step will be to pump mud and cement down through that relief well to seal the blown-out well from the bottom. 206 million gallons of oil spilled into the gulf after that april 20th disaster. it was a killer storm that barreled through new york around rush hour last night. some 100-mile-an-hour winds were recorded. the national weather service will determine today whether a tornado actually formed. it sure seemed like it was in
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plenty of places, where trees and power lines were down and roofs torn off. at least one person was killed. meanwhile, hurricane carl flooded mexico's yucatan peninsula. the storm is roaring toward another mexican landfall today. carl now has maximum sustained winds of around 100 miles an hour, making it a category 2 storm. it is expected to strengthen even more today and hit an area of mexico that had severe floods in the last month. and with that here's a look at the rest of your weather. the ohio valley and northeast dry out after a day of some pretty wild weather, as you just pkas cifro omaha to north dakota. moisture from hurricane carl in mexico brings showers to south texas. unseasonably cool to the north. fargo 59. minneapolis is 64. pleasant along the east coast. new york 75. ba79. da is 97. new orleans 91. well, if marriage has its ups and downs, a washington state couple is off to a pretty
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good start. >> they said their i dos on a roller coaster after winning a radio contest. now, the radio host, you can see him in flashes. he's sitting right behind them. he just happens to be an ordained minister. he just happens to be an ordained minister. og for f y but pn aroun y a won rings, flowers, and a honeymoon trip to where? los angeles. >> so you say "i do" and then youthro up.pwa to start the marriage. whr n roller coaster or not. ♪ roller coaster of love ♪ roller coaster diabetics on medicare!
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welcome back. later today president obama will officially announce the creation of the consumer protection bureau. >> the president's pick to head that bureau, elizabeth warren, has been a pretty tough critic of wall street. and as jake tapper now reports, she definitely has her work cut out for her. >> reporter: elizabeth warren, the congressional overseer of the wall street bailout funds, has become the nemesis of financial ceos. >> i want to turn to these guys sometimes, and i want to say, what part of we bailed you out do you not get? >> reporter: the former sunday school teacher has been unsparing in her criticism of the financial sector.
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>> they are focused on killing any kind of serious reform and particularly any kind of serious reform that would directly affect the pocketbooks of americans. it just -- this is unbelievable. >> reporter: at stake -- billions in profits. ceos and their allies worry that in her new job warren will focus on her view of social justice more than on a strong economy. >> the issue is more what will she do with these powers? if this is taking away choices from consumers and restricting credit in the marketplace, count us out. >> we don't have banks that have viable, that are strong, where are we going to be then? she doesn't take this into consideration. >> reporter: the daughter of a janitor from oklahoma, warren has seen firsthand the devastation from foreclosure and debt. >> america's middle class is living one pink slip, one bad diagnosis away from financial collapse. >> reporter: liberal groups have signed petitions and even taken to rap videos to urge the
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president to appoint her to head the new consumer financial protection bureau. ♪ and make a new sheriff ♪ elizabeth warren she is revered by progressives for her view of the wall street bailout. >> treasury followed a don't ask, don't tell policy. they didn't ask the banks what they were going to do with the money. and not having asked them, the banks are not required to tell. >> it doesn't make any sense. >> i know your husband's backstage. i still want to make out with you. >> elizabeth warren, who's a real-american heroine, who's actually driving this reform. >> reporter: but even some liberals criticize the way that president obama will appoint elizabeth warren to this new position on friday afternoon, avoiding the senate confirmation process, naming her a special assistant to him, a special adviser to the treasury secretary, avoiding the checks and balances for what is a very powerful position. jake tapper, abc news, the white house. >> obviously, she's in charge of the formation of this new agency.
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there's still a lot of question marks, though, as to whether she'll be the one who's tapped to permanently head it up. there's kind of some debate as to whether she'll be the official leader. >> yeah. you heard jake tapper in that piece mention the notion that the senate confirmation will be skipped. the president as well as mrs. warren said -- or ms. warren, i should say, said the basic premise was they wanted to start from scratch rather than getting mired down in a long, lengthy controversial fight over getting her named to the agency, just get things done. >> get the ball rolling on this. we'll see where it goe
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♪ ♪ welcome back to "insomniac's kitchen," where we have left the newsroom and instead are in the kitchen.
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we're asking chefs across new york what do they eat in the middle of the night when they come home from work and they are hungry? our first chef today is executive chef don shank from strip house here in greenwich village. >> hello. >> you guys have a beautiful restaurant. >> thank you. >> not only to get to the food. the outside decor is what a lot of people talk about. >> oh, yeah. well, it's luxurious, very fun and funky. it's tight, a small little restaurant. it's a real new york restaurant. >> anyone who's been here knows you guys also have wonderful signature dishes. what do people come to the strip house to eat? >> well, it's called strip house. so there's always strip steak. so that is for sure our number one signature meat. >> so today, chef, you are showing us a pretty basic recipe that you make at 2:00 a.m. >> absolutely. my beef jerky, now strip house beef jerky because it all started at my house, and it's all about taking simple ingredients i found around my house, combining them.
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first off, again, we do scraps of meat. now, we use prime meat because we're a prime steak house. but for the home cook you're not going to use prime scrap. i would first suggest using a top sirloin or a cheaper cut. so you really want to get nice little strips like that and really cut them a little bit on the thin side. and we're just going to lay it out. so the wide side out on top. and then all we're going to do is fold our plastic wrap over. >> the fun part. >> well, let me show you one, what we're aiming for. you can do the rest. >> i can destroy them. >> just gently. see? now, if it's a little bit thicker, a little firmer meat, you want to pound a little bit more. >> okay. just kind of whack it with the mallet. i've heard chefs say if you don't have this kind of mallet you can other stuff. lat.can other stuff. >> just picturing -- >> i wouldn't use a ball-peen hammer but pretty much anything flat. exactly. like wow.
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there's a lot of things in your life that aren't working out. okay? this is your chance. >> doing the overnight -- >> so now we've got our meat pounded and ready to go. now we're going to make the marinade. we just start with a little bit of oyster sauce. okay. we're just going to start that in the bottom. then we have a little bit of lime juice. a little rice wine vinegar. this is a little sweet and sour going. and a little bit of soy sauce. i use straight soy sauce. now you can throw in into the mix, this is brown sugar. >> okay. >> and don't worry, guys, we have all of the amounts and he measurements on the facebook fan site. >> exactly. now we have a little bit of curry powder. >> i love that smell. >> i know. right? we have some ground coriander. >> okay. >> one of my favorite dry herbs. and now we have a little bit of just chopped garlic. and a little bit -- just a pinch of red pepper flakes. >> okay. >> we want a little bit of heat.
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>> i like a lot. you can kick it up some more. >> i know. you're from ft. worth. black pepper. fresh ground. >> that's nice. you get two different heat profiles. >> it's not heat so hot as it's flavor. and then we have fresh cilantro. >> i'm getting a workout. >> yeah. now, you notice how that looks, right? >> yeah. >> it looks luxurious already. now we're just going to lay it out in the pan. you lay it out. >> sure. >> then after we get a layer we're going to put a little more marinade and tha how we build up.pwsell. marinade and tha how we build up.pwsell. this has been overnight. refrigerated. we want to make sure that as we put this on a little line because you need the air to get underneath when you cook it. >> you can see the cilantro. you can really see the garlic. everything in there. >> exactly. that's where you really want to keep that on there.
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that's at we're goi to do. 250 degree oven for 20 minutes. now we take it out. 20 minutes at 200. all we want to do is take our jerky, and we have about 350 degree goose fat. >> goose fat? >> yeah. >> i think most people at home don't have the goose fat but you can do it -- >> you can also use canola oil or peanut oil. and that really just goes in, fries for a second, and comes right out. >> i'm scared. i'm going to pop this in and burn one of us. >> so now a little bit warm, but it will be okay. >> mm. this is the best part, right? gosh, it smells phenomenal. so quickly, too. it's fast. >> yeah, it's fast. i got a little bit of fat in there. if you get the little fat creases it can really get hot in there. >> mm. >> isn't that great? >> i don't mind scorching my mouth for that. the house. combine them with a little ingenuity and you have a gre little late-night snack.pat mo.
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>> and you know i wouldn't have gone on a shoot like that wiout bringing you back some. i love you. >try. rob's bee sampling the garnishes. >> it's absolutely delish. i know you guys might be thinking this isn't terribly healthy. me t you what he did tell rob. u ca do it with turkey s in their lives.urkey mm. that's really good. n as terri: "last year, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for "little or no money." jim plunkitt: "no cost. absolutely no cost to me." breaking news...when you call today, we'll include a free hoveround collapsible grabber with the purchase of your power chair. it reaches, it grabs, it's collapsible and it's portable. it goes wherever you go. get it free while supplies last. call the number on your screen to get your free video, brochure
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♪ ♪ that's entertainment finally this half hour, what's heating up the yahoo search engines this weekend. >> from lady gaga's meat dress at the vmas to college kids who still don't know how to do their laundry, that was me. pam laoela woon has more. >> good morning. right now people are looking for bugs. not the creepy-crawly ones but the make you sick kind of bugs. searches for a new
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drug-resistant superbug are off the charts this week. that's after reports of a new strain of bacterium called mdm-1 made some people sick in the u.s. now, people want to know where it is and what they can do about it. but we are also seeing a huge increase in searches for the common flu. interest in flu vaccines is up more than 800% this week. all right. so kids are back to school. and for new college students who are learning away from home for the first time, there's huge interest in the subject of how to do your laundry. there are a number of how-to videos online that will take you step by step through the process and answer very important questions like clothes first, detergent first? and, well, speaking of clothing, lady gaga was in rare form this week, sending shock waves through the fashion world with her meat dress at the vma awards. now, with fashion week wrapping up in new york and london fashion week just beginning, can
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you guys imagine the talk on the runway? well, one real trend we are seeing at both shows is recession-proof fashion designers being told that if you can't design something that people can actually afford and continue to wear don't even bring it onto the catwalk. well, we found another recession-busting clothing trend of designing your own t-shirts. and we're not talking about markers and iron-ones. people are actually searching for ways to cut and shape regular t-shirts using intricate patterns. kat von d is getting some credit for this trend. the tv tattoo artist had so many people asking her about her own t-shirts, she made a how-to video of her own. >> look at it. >> all right, guys. we made one especially for you. what do you think? do you like it? not bad, right? >> it is actually cute. >> it's not bad. it seems like your style. >> we have to send pamela a bedazzler because we like it
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really flashy on the overnight, pamela. >> anything to keep us awake. that is the news for this half hour,
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hospital horror. fatal gunshots inside one of the country's top medical centers. then, fake furniture. the pros and cons of a high-tech technique to help you sell your home. and remembering katrina on stage. ♪ praying that i'll see another day ♪ >> it's a play about survivors, their anger and their hope. it's friday september 17th. as i continue my tour of new york, it was great on monday
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night being up there at the apollo theater in harlem. having a chance to check out that play. it really was an incredible performance. very moving, very real. >> kind of a tearjerker? >> yeah. but also kind of leaving the message of hope, which is kind of cool too. you get through the bad stuff but then the resilience. >> we look forward to seeing it on this friday morning. good morning. i'm vinita nair. >> and i'm rob nelson. there are new questions this morning about hospital security following a deadly shooting inside a world famous medical center. >> a gunman shot a doctor, then killed his ailing mother and himself. jim sciutto reports from johns hopkins in baltimore. >> reporter: for more than two hours johns hopkins was under siege. >> they moved us all from the front side of the building which faces the hospital to the back. none of us could be by any windows. >> you had to be scared. >> yeah, it's scary. >> reporter: the standoff began just after 11:00 a.m. outside
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room 873 of the spinal surgery wing. as dr. david cohen updated 49-year-old warren pardus on his mother, jean's operation. >> he became emotionally distraught and reacted. >> reporter: pardus then drew a semi-automatic handgun and shot the doctor once in the abdomen at close range. >> mr. davis was last seen running into the room, brandishing the handgun in the direction of his mother, who was confined to the bed. >> reporter: at 1:30 p.m. police sent in a camera-equipped robot, which found both pardus and his mother dead, shot in the head, a murder-suicide. we don't know what the doctor said to him to make him so angry. what we do know is that dr. cohen will make a full recovery. jim sciutto, abc news, outside johns hopkins in baltimore. a stunning admission in the case of a washington state woman who claimed that someone had thrown acid on her face. bethany storro now says she fabricated the story about the attack. there is speculation now that she's mentally ill. during questioning police say storro admitted her burn
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injuries were actually self-inflicted. prosecutors plan to decide if storro should now face criminal charges. there are some disturbing details from the case of an indiana teen who admitted to murdering his younger brother. 18-year-old andrew conley told investigators the main character from the tv series "dexter" inspired him to kill his own 10-year-old brother, connor. that show is about a forensic expert who moonlights as a killer. on monday conley admitted to the murder, which happened in november. he faces up to life in prison. some political observers are now calling the senate race in connecticut a tossup. that came as president obama was greeted by dozens of protesters last night. he attended a fund-raiser for a democrat in that race, long-time state attorney general richard blumenthal. the president helped raise over a million dollars on a campaign swing. blumenthal is facing former pro wrestling executive linda mcmahon. and the president admits that last year was a tough one
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for working families in this country. and now new census figures found a record number of americans now living in poverty. david muir takes a look behind those astonishing numbers. >> reporter: it is the largest number of americans living in poverty since they began keeping track 50 years ago. an increase of 4 million in just one year. >> people who used to be solidly middle class, who are now looking over that cliff into the abyss. >> reporter: the government puts the poverty line at just under $22,000 a year for a family of four. with the recession stealing jobs, the number of americans without health insurance now has climbed to nearly 51 million, 4.4 million more in just a year. the rescue mission in los angeles told us they're seeing it. tents set up for families in the back of their chapel. the number of tents has multiplied from a half dozen a year ago to nearly 60. and something else in the report. more than a third of those in poverty are children. we could not forget that video,
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the high schoolers in california, the faces behind this new report. >> we're like four months behind rent. and just -- my brothers, they might be homeless pretty soon. >> reporter: we have followed chris schultz since that video. his father was out of work. his mother, a teacher's assistant, barely making the rent. in their refrigerator -- >> it's pretty slim, right? >> yeah. we usually have butter but we don't have butter this time, so. >> reporter: we learned his father is still looking for work. chris is now in the army, learning mechanical skills to bring home. and waiting, his little brother. >> this is your big brother? >> yeah. >> do you love him? >> yeah. >> after a storm the sun comes out. you know? >> the sun comes out. >> yeah, the sun always comes out. no matter what. >> reporter: these new numbers come from last year, 2009, and the experts we spoke with said had unemployment benefits not been extended last year we'd have to a anoilli
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have tosevinoilli poverty. david muir, abc news, new york. and international news now. there was a major shake-up this mornijpn'mnt. prime minister naoto kan took office back in june, and he's now reshuffling his cabinet and promises to make changes to improve the economy there. the entire cabinet resigned to make way for replacements. some lawmakers, though, could be reappointed. there is major progress in plugging the busted gulf oil well once and for all. a relief well was connected to the blown-out well t april's environmentalisas the next step is to seal th reell.t step is to seal th 206 million gallonsf oi the broken well polluted the gulf. the utility pacific gas & electric says it still has not inspected all the necessary parts that it needs to. investigators are now trying to determine why a gas pipeline blew up in suburban san francisco last week. the utility plans to inspect all high-risk gas lines in urban areas. two victims of that san bruno blast, a mother and her
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13-year-old daughter, have been remembered. a memorial was held last night in san francisco. and now to the tropical trouble in the atlantic where three hurricanes are still spinning. carl has flooded mexico's yucatan peninsula. it's expected to get stronger today and make landfall again along mexico's east coast. meanwhile, hurricane igor could batter bermuda by monday. and julia is weakening but still has winds around 80 milean and as for the rest of the weather, milder in the ohio valley, whetwiwee reported yesterday. thunderstorms, some severe, in eastern nebraska and we clear and warm along the east showers across the northern >> 65 in seattle 67 det warmer in the central ss 80 in omaha. 82 in kansas city. boston will be 64. hot in colorado springs at 91. well, at age 60 most people are looking to retire, of course, but when mazerine wingate turned 60 he started a new job at a maryland post office. >> and yesterday he turned 100 and he is still there.
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maz rhein still drives himself to work six days a week. as a custodian he does everything from mopping floors to shoveling snow. mazerine doesn't smoke or drink, and he says he goes to church every sunday. >> but he says it's working that actually keeps him going. and his co-workers say he is a real inspiration. >> i would never have guessed he is 100 years old. >> no. he does not look 100 at all. >> good for you, mazerine. >> you think we'll host the show till we're 100? >> i don't want to be here for 40 years. we'll be right back with more "world news now." ♪ ♪ there ain't no stopping us now ♪ ry the absorb-a-straw! now you're gettin' it. [ female announcer ] sorry, mop, but swiffer wetjet has a dirt dissolving solution and super absorbent pads that trap and lock dirty water deep inside the gradient core ♪ she blinded me with science
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just last month the country paused to remember the fifth anniversary of hurricane katrina, a storm that forever changed the gulf coast. >> and to mark the anniversary through art the stories of katrina survivors have come back to the stage. not only in new orleans but also right here in new york. ♪ praying that i'll see another
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day ♪ >> reporter: whether it's pride -- >> leave me my thoughts, my words, and my voice so i can testify for the love i have for my people. >> reporter: or abandonment. humor -- >> what? closing? >> reporter: or an aching sense of loss. >> we watched as the storm took my home, my livelihood, my friends. ♪ let it shine ♪ let it shine >> reporter: these are the stories of new orleans' women, all survivors of hurricane katrina. >> what our story does, it allows people to put themselves in our shoes, and so by being able to see it from our viewpoint. and i think it just makes them know how we felt. >> reporter: the play is
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"swimming upstream." it first hit stages in 2008. but acclaimed playwright and activist eve ensler brought the play back this month in new orleans and in new york for katrina's fifth anniversary. >> i think, you know, women really, and particularly in new orleans but really everywhere always keep the world alive after disasters, after conflicts, after -- and yet it's the invisible work. it's the work that people don't see. you know, it's holding families together and holding communities together. >> reporter: written during a year and a half by 16 new orleans women, some of whom are also performers in the show, "swimming upstream" is a mix of poetry and song -- ♪ and there's water all around me ♪ ♪ but i can't get a bit to drink ♪ >> reporter: humor and pain, rage and resilience. >> this story reminds people that though we've come a long
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way we still have a long way to go before we're back like we were before the storm. >> this is hopefully, you know, a cry for all of us to -- for our humanity, to reach out to whoever is around us in need. >> reporter: ensler, who directs the play, earned huge acclaim in the '90s through "the vagina monologues" and has become a leading voice in ending violence against women around the world. she is now successfully battling uterine cancer and says bringing "swimming upstream" back to audiences has lifted her spirits. >> i really forgot for the last week that i was in chemotherapy. but the cancer's gone. i got a really great prognosis. i'm so grateful. >> reporter: and new orleans natives who saw the show in new york this week are grateful too that their story is still being told. >> they've really grasped that sense of loss and recovery and rebuilding. >> no matter how many times i've heard the story and witnessed
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the performance, it speaks to a part of my humanity, my struggle. >> it's not just this storm, the storm that happened in 2005. it's like life's storms. and that's why it resonates with people who weren't in new orleans. >> reporter: "swimming upstream" got rave reviews in new orleans and also got a pretty emotional reaction from the crowd here in new york tonight. now producers want to take the show around the country, maybe even around the world. >> when we created this, you know, we definitely wanted it to be something that can be experienced everywhere. >> i would dream, and i think we all dream that we'll tour america and tour the world and keep these stories alive. >> i want them to leave singing. you know, there's a song that we sing at the end, and the lyrics are -- ♪ hold on ♪ be strong ♪ do what you got to do ♪ time brings changes ♪ we'll see each other through ♪ make it back to ♪ it's up to me and you ♪ got to hold on ♪ say you got to hold on >> the really cool part about performance is, again, it was
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written by 16 local new orleans women. and they went through 18 months of this, i mean, intense sessions of writing, and said it was almost -- it was a writing process but also therapy in a way. >> right. cathartic for all of them. >> absolutely. powerful piece. >> yeah. it looks -- >> incredible show. yeah. >> incredible show. yeah. ♪ [male announcer] to the men and women of the united states armed forces, the uso delivers the joys and comforts of home. even out here. find out how you can help at
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny i feel like we're a part of "the skinny" today. >> i know, man. we're hanging out with the big wigs last night. >> yeah. we have our own "skinny" drama. >> mm-hmm. >> how cool is that, diane sawyer threw a party and like she said it was basically a party for no reason. she took us all out on a yacht. >> yeah, very cool. >> wined us and dined us. and i actually was able to snap a quick picture. so you can see diane right there. cheek to cheek with me. >> looking buddy-buddy. >> i know. and i also saw george stephanopoulos, who i'm sure is
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either up right now or getting ready for "good morning america." such a nice party. >> i don't know how he made it out when he has to do "good morning america" later today. >> well, you know, everyone was so thankful that you took on the charge, the heavy charge of being the captain on the boat. >> oh, really? >> we werallfufo that. there you are. >> that's right. >> your hands are freak i will say that i want to keep everyone safe. you and i were getting chummy. i wanted to make everyone safe. >> so let's get on with your "sknnis m stewart were havi o whole story, fox news's glenn beck basically held a rally and basically his whole thing was this is a religious rebirth in america at the site where the mlk speech was given, "i have a dream." so jon stewart, kind of seizing on that momentum, decided he wanted to host a rally. so he proclaims it, and then colbert decides, well, i'm going to have my own rally while jon
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stewart's on the show. so take a look. >> it is on! october 30th, on the mall. because now is not the time to take it down a notch. now is the time for all good men to freak out for freedom! >> i heard about your march to keep fear alive, stephen colbert. you will see me on the washington mall on october 30th! >> they're obviously having some fun at his expense. now, "the daily show" coincidentally will be in washington during the time of the scheduled march. or the scheduled rally there. taping shows to air october 25th and 28th. and he's also -- jon stewart, by the way, promoting a new book called "earth: the book." >> okay. a little promo there too. those guys are so good. no wonder everyone loves them so much. they're so funny. >> keep fear alive. >> there's always -- this controversy kind of pops up every couple of months when there's kind of this magazine cover, people say ooh, what did you do to it, did you doctor it. remember years ago with o.j. and "time" darkened his face during
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the trial and all this. anyway, kind of the reverse problem here. you guys remember the lovely actress who starred in that movie a little while back call "s"ga well, apparently, she's on te and now critics are saying, well, wait a minute, did you lighten her skin on the cover of this issue? apparently, this is not the only time there's been a magazine concern related to her. a few months back she was left off a "vanity fair" cover that was kind of dedicated to all the academy award oscar buzz. and they were she was great in that movie and she was -- you know, became an instant star, she was so great. so another cover here. youdof the but then people are saying is it lighting? is it makeup? the magazine se dit doctor her more than we doctor anybody else and they deny any kind of overphoto shoping 3 tha ou y ca i will say if i'm ever on the cover of anything air-brush me as much as you humanly can, please. quickly, do i have time for this la
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>> yes, you do. >> okay. bob barker collapsed at a gun range. price is right price is rigre he'sciou a rep says he had a reaction to blood-thinning medication which caused him to pass out. he was take the publicists say he suffered from dehydration when he collapsed. so far everyone's just hoping they say he ing >> best of luck to bob. we'll keep you in ohthiweek more world news after this.
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and here are some stories to watch today on abc news. the most solemn jewish observance of the year, yom kippur, begins tonight at sundown. jews worldwide will atone and fast until saturday night. pope benedict's visit to great britain continues today. he meets with the students at catholic schools and religious leaders from other faiths. and britain's prince william takes a big step in his military career. today he'll qualify as a search and rescue pilot in the royal air force. finally this half hour, selling a house in the 21st century. this is such a cool story. thanks to technology, realtors can show you how your dream home would look furnished without any furniture. >> it's called virtual staging.
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and as diana alvear reports, it's a cost-effective technique in an industry still struggling. >> reporter: you may be tempted to make yourself at home in this living room. just don't try sitting on that couch. it doesn't exist. it's all part of virtual staging. the art of furnishing an empty house through a few keystrokes in the hope of making it it more likely to sell. >> i was surprisingly pleased with what the end product was. i didn't expect it to be as good. >> reporter: realtor marina cohan recently used virtual staging for the first time. she provided the staging company with a few photos. less than $500 and a couple of days later she had a fully furnished home to sell. well, at least online. >> it's easy. it's fast. you take a picture of a vacant room, and the furniture is slotted in, and you can approve or disapprove it and try again if you need to. >> reporter: real staging has been a stable of the industry for a while now. adding tables and sofas or changing drapes to enhance the
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home's overall look. virtual staging eliminates the costs involved in moving furniture in and out of a property. one california company claims virtually staged homes sell for up to 17% more than vacant homes. but buyer beware. just because a home looks fabulous online doesn't always mean that's the case in person. >> it must be identified. virtual staging must be identified as virtual staging. >> reporter: industry leaders say images need to be clearly marked. otherwise, they risk violating the buyer's trust. if cohan's experience is any indication, virtual staging will be increasingly in demand. >> the cost advantage is huge. i think i would promote this to anyone on a budget who wants to try to promote a property to its highest and best use. >> reporter: especially in an economy where cost efficiency is key. diana alvear, abc news, los angeles. >> i suppose it is cost efficient. but $500 for nothing? >> yeah, that's kind of weird, huh? amazing what people can make
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appear and disappear these days. >> it really is. it's almost like sometimes people think our set and us, that we're real.
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